7d2d alpha7 augmented recipes, first installation:
brickDecayedTan: dilapidated limestone brick
"tan" brick, with one side drywall :
brickpainted: blue/green dilapidated painted brick
industrialTile: small emerald commercial bathroom tile
tileFloor3: high-end Terracotta tile
tileFloor4: olive drab tile from the high school
sidewalk: sidewalk square
tubeConcreteNoDistort: thick concrete column
tubeHalfConcreteNoDistory: thin concrete column
angel face block
wallSafe: small wall safe
auger: (tungstenScrap can be found by breaking a safe)
chain saw:
fridgeTop: top half of high-end chrome fridge
fridgeBottom: bottom half of high-end chrome fridge
cabinetTop: functional richwood overhead cabinet
gasCan : from cornMeal and murkyRiverWater, using beaker over campfire
gasCan : from cornMeal and bottled water, using beaker over campfire
Trees and shrubs:
Birch Trees:
convert sticks to trunks bottom-up for sizes in-between
MountainPines :
convert sticks to trunks bottom-up for sizes in-between
convert sticks to trunks bottom-up for sizes in-between
Winter Pines:
convert sticks to trunks bottom-up for sizes in-between
DeadTrees, Dry Pines, Burnt Trees:
convert sticks to trunks bottom-up for sizes in-between
Birch Bush:
Labels: 7 days to die, 7d2d, alpha 7, leadingzeroh, recipes